4 - What are the working conditions of the workers?

The workplace must ensure the safety and health of all our workers.

Our Sneakers are made in humane, safe, and legal working conditions along the entire supply chain.


In thousands of facilities around the world, textile sector workers work in almost slavery-like conditions to produce what we wear. Hot, crowded, and airless factories, where they are forced to work for 16 hours a day, often including weekends.

Most of them are not only threatened by unsafe buildings but are exposed every day to serious health risks caused by the unprotected use of chemicals, noise, lack of ventilation, high temperatures, harassment, verbal and psychological violence.

The fashion industry’s search for ever-lower production costs reveals the true price of the fast fashion model: the health and safety of people.


Protecting health and safety at work is a primary goal for Womsh, established by our Ethical Code and implemented through the constant monitoring measures of social audits. All workers and people involved in our supply chain work in total safety, in certified factories and company locations, where the standards set by the International Labour Organization (ILO) are respected.


We promote safe and fair working conditions at every stage of the supply chain.

No human being should be asked to endanger their health, well-being, and safety while working. At Womsh, we want to ensure that each of our collaborators - from suppliers to every single employee - has a safe, comfortable, and danger-free environment. This is why we commit to regularly assessing our safety performance to ensure continuous improvement. To ensure the physical and moral integrity of everyone, we operate at all levels through key tools such as: monitoring activities that verify the social and environmental compliance of our partners, the application of the Ethical Code along the entire supply chain, and responsible purchasing practices.

Transparency is the first step

Knowing who made our products and where they come from is essential to ensure that human rights are protected, that working conditions are safe, and that the environment is safeguarded. If a supply chain is not transparent, the people involved will be the first to pay the price. How could we call ourselves sustainable if, to make Womsh, we had used the greenest materials in the world, but exploited and underpaid labor in a country without any rights?

What we wear cannot be produced in places where people and their safety are not respected.

When it came to choosing where to produce Womsh, we had no doubts. We wanted a place that guaranteed the fundamental rights of our employees, and Western Europe (Italy and Portugal) seemed almost an obvious choice, as it has no rivals in terms of labor legislation.

We believe that truly sustainable safety in the workplace can only be achieved if people can freely choose their future and refuse unsafe jobs, without fear of retaliation or dismissal. This is why we have included full freedom of union association as a fundamental tool in our ethical code to ensure the right to work in decent, safe, and healthy conditions.

Furthermore, we ensure the right for anyone involved in our supply chain to make reports or complaints about any type of illegal or unethical act that occurred in the workplace, guaranteeing their protection and confidentiality.

Creativity and passion are best expressed in comfortable and safe places.

In our work, creativity and the desire to create beauty come first. How could we express our passion in unsafe and hostile workplaces?

Our company locations are certified ISO9001, ISO14001, and SA8000, the certification that ensures the protection of workers’ rights in the footwear production sector.

Every company decision assesses all the risks to the safety and health of our collaborators, even in the choice of work equipment or the chemicals used. Every person in Womsh must be able to perform their activity in conditions that allow adequate accident prevention and a safe and healthy work environment.


Womsh believes in a different kind of fashion. Fashion does not enslave, abuse, discriminate, or endanger people. Fashion does not need to hide its secrets; it offers dignified work and equal rights everywhere in the world. The fashion we want makes people free.

  • 4 - What are the working conditions of the workers?

  • 5 - Was the worker paid fairly?

  • 6 - What we do to give back part of the profits to improve the society?